Agricultural / Weights & Measures Inspectors' Union

There is almost no aspect of a persons' everyday life that is not affected by the work our members do. Our members ensure the public receives what they pay for in regards to goods that are measured and weighed, our members protect the citizens of LA County from invasive pests, substandard produce, pesticide misuse, and fire hazards by removal of dry brush.
We are the Los Angeles County Agricultural Weights and Measures Inspectors' Union Local 830 and we belong to a larger coalition of unions called AFSCME Council 36.
Every few years, Local 830 along with AFSCME Council 36 negotiates on behalf of the membership, that negotiation is codified in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), this document ensures the rights of our members are protected and that there is a process for grievances to be heard and resolved.
The Local 830 leadership does its best to promote membership involvement and activity through a variety of activities and now, the Local 830 website. The website will be updated and changed based on the feedback and input from the membership. The resources page contains a lot of useful information, more resources will be added in the coming months.
Local 830 leadership consist of the officers and executive board members, learn more about each member on the elected board tab. They are here to help with any issues that may arise regarding working conditions, grievances, union activities, disciplinary hearing/ interviews, weingarten rights, and general information about the Department.