Hello Local 830 members,
As you know, our local leadership is trying new ways to encourage participation and active involvement in our local union activities. Traditionally, our local union activities have included events such as picnics and meetings, although great on their own, we understand that these activities are not enough. During the pandemic we transitioned to zoom online meetings and now offer both in-person and online options to keep our members informed. Along with this, we now have an Instagram, Facebook and a new website which you can check out at AFSCMELOCAL830.ORG. In October we hope to launch our Local 830 Newsletter, the newsletter will be published quarterly. To commemorate the launch of our first issue in October, we are announcing a photography contest! The winner will be announced on the first issue of the newsletter. The deadline to submit a photograph is Thursday, October 15, 2021. Below are the guidelines and details.
1. Only one photograph per union member.
2. Submit entry to rec.secretary.L830@gmail.com.
3. The photograph must relate to our union or department.
4. Add a short description about the picture and include your name.
The executive board will vote for the winner, the winner will win $100 visa gift card.
